Our tropical Sunset Bouquet is full of the highest quality blooms in bright hues. Wrapped in our gift paper & tied with silk ribbon, it makes a stunning gift and beautiful accent in the home paired with your favorite vase.
Full of vibrant pink, indigo blue, green and white florals, this bouquet is sure to brighten up any day wether it be an Easter Celebration, Birthday, Anniversary, Congratulations or just because you need that special person to know they're on your mind.
Our preserved and dried flowers arrive hand arranged by our team of designers, carefully packaged inside our beautiful floral printed box. Harvested at the peak of their bloom, they go through a natural preservation process (a combination of air dried blooms and stems preserved with natural glycerin) which allows them to keep their natural beauty for a minimum of a year or longer. Flower varieties and sizes may vary slightly depending on seasonal availability and natural variations of the flowers.