Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery
Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery
Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery
Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery
Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery
Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery
Bouquets The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet send a bouquet- the best flower delivery

The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet

The Juliet Deluxe Bouquet

Regular price $125.00

In deep berry and mauve hues with pops of blush, our Juliet Bouquet makes a stunning statement for the holidays.

The everlasting flowers in this bouquet are preserved, so they will stay soft without turning brittle and shedding.

Pair with our 8" tall vase with a 4" wide opening.

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